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Omneco provides it’s Clients with a quantifiable analysis of the environmental impacts of a product, building or infrastructure project which take into account the whole life cycle of the materials and processes used. In this way, regulatory compliance is easier to achieve, and projects and products
have more compelling environmental credibility.


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What we do.

Building Sustainability Services.


RICS WLCA (Whole Life Carbon Assessment) is a methodology developed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors for quantifying and reducing the carbon footprint of buildings throughout their entire lifecycle.

Greater London Authority

The Greater London Authority (GLA) requirements for Whole Life Carbon Assessments (WLCA) mandate comprehensive carbon emission evaluations for new developments in London, focusing on reducing the city's carbon footprint throughout the building lifecycle.


BREEAM UK is a leading environmental assessment method for buildings in the United Kingdom, evaluating and improving their sustainability and environmental performance.

Building Circularity

Building Circularity refers to the design, construction, and operation of buildings in a manner that prioritises the reuse and recycling of materials and resources, thereby reducing waste and extending the lifecycle of building components.


Life Cycle Costing (LCC) for buildings evaluates all costs associated with the construction, operation, maintenance, and eventual disposal of a building, providing a comprehensive financial analysis for sustainable and cost-effective property management.

Level(s) EU Taxonomy

Level(s) EU Taxonomy is a European Union framework providing standardised sustainability metrics and guidelines to assess and improve the environmental performance of buildings, aligning real estate practices with the EU's broader environmental and climate objectives.

BREEAM International

BREEAM International is a widely recognized sustainability assessment method for masterplanning projects, infrastructure, and buildings, evaluating their environmental, social, and economic sustainability performance on a global scale.


RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment (WLCA) Version 2, released in November 2023, is an updated methodology by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, set to be in effect from July 1st, 2024, designed to evaluate and reduce the carbon footprint of buildings throughout their entire lifecycle, superseding the initial version.

Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain is an approach in environmental conservation where development projects aim to leave biodiversity in a better state than before, ensuring a positive impact on the natural environment.

EN 15978

EN 15978 is a European standard providing the methodology for assessing the environmental performance of buildings, focusing on the life cycle assessment (LCA) from construction to demolition.

LEED International

LEED International LCA's are assessments incorporated within the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) green building certification system, evaluating the environmental impact of buildings on a global scale through a comprehensive life cycle analysis.

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